


Trainer Profile

Expertise area:

Orthopedic and Sports Medicine

Specialized Skills:

Athletic Trainer

Experience level

30+ years

Kevin here, your Certified Athletic Trainer at Barbour Orthopedics.

My passion lies in the dynamic field of sports medicine, specifically helping athletes of all levels recover from injuries and safely return to their peak performance. As a certified Athletic Trainer with Barbour Orthopedics, I leverage my expertise to provide comprehensive care for athletes, from initial evaluation and diagnosis to rehabilitation and injury prevention strategies. My goal is to ensure a smooth and efficient recovery process, minimizing downtime and maximizing your return to competition.

The Road to Recovery.

"Small changes, big results. Consistency is key."

 I believe in a collaborative approach, working closely with physicians, coaches, and athletes themselves to develop personalized treatment plans that address individual needs and goals. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a weekend warrior, I’m dedicated to getting you back in the game, stronger and more confident than ever. If you’re facing a sports injury, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can navigate the path to recovery and get you back to doing what you love.