


Trainer Profile

Expertise area:

Sales and client relations

Experience level

8 Years

At Legacy Sports Complex, we’re dedicated to empowering athletes of all levels to achieve their goals. As your Sales and Client Relations Representative for the Lawrenceville location, I’m here to be your first point of contact and guide you towards a personalized fitness experience.

Whether you’re a seasoned athlete seeking performance optimization or a beginner embarking on your fitness journey, I’ll listen to your needs and goals. My passion lies in connecting individuals with the right programs, resources, and trainers within Legacy to help you thrive.

Come on in!

"Small changes, big results. Consistency is key."

From membership options to class schedules, I have a wealth of knowledge about all that Legacy Sports Complex – Lawrenceville has to offer. Don’t hesitate to reach out! I’m here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and ensure you feel confident and supported as you embark on your fitness journey with Legacy.